Online Courses

Ashley Aquilina is a leading semi-permanent makeup artist with over a decade of beauty industry expertise.

Online Microblading Masterclass

£150 | AED

  • Advanced Microblading Mastery: Elevate your skill set through our exclusive online Masterclass tailored for trained technicians.
  • Precision Techniques: Dive deep into perfecting hairstrokes, mastering brow mapping, and honing your expertise in selecting the ideal colors.
  • Secrets Unveiled: Gain access to insider tips and tricks, unlocking the nuances that transform brows into stunning, natural works of art.
  • Empower Your Artistry: This immersive experience isn’t just about refinement; it’s a journey toward unleashing your full potential as an artist, ensuring your clients receive brows that exude elegance and beauty.
  • Master Your Microblading: Elevate your skills from basic to brilliance.
  • Comprehensive Online Training: Covering brow mapping, hairstroke technique, and pigment selection.
  • Confidence-Boosting Guidance: Overcome struggles, refine technique, and gain confidence.
  • Practice Anywhere: Perfect your craft comfortably from home.
lip-lush tratment